
Welcome To Creádo®

Creádo (Latin: 'Created') was established by a group of tv, film, music and radio professionals. Our mission is to provide better transparency, opportunities and security protection for all of our customers, changing the way they communicate by providing direct access to communities and content they want to see.

Unlike competing platforms, we will not be controlled by wall street or outside forces trying to silence artists or customers. This is a mission to restore our culture and the arts, putting the freedom back into the hands of those who create and consume it!

Invest in Creádo!

We are currently raising additional capital to complete our MVP. We are looking for
visionary accredited investors to join our mission!

Become A Founding Member

As we begin our next stage of development, we are offering the general public the opportunity to help us fund this next phase. Learn how to become a founding member and be one of our platform early adopters and beta testers today!
Copyright 2024. CE Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. 
hello world!
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